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Safety Success Stories: Sarvam Safety Saved 1000 Lives by Using AED

The gift of life comes with a catch of numerous uncertainties. The unforeseeable events in life could make or break a person’s future. Death is one such event. It is something that is both unpredictable and inevitable, as certain things go beyond human control. Experiencing a cardiac arrest, a sudden halt in the blood pumping system has become a recurrent cause of death. This could have been avoided if only an Automated External Defibrillator was around at the time.  Over the last few years in India, people who are typically in a working profile have experienced a sudden heart attack during the course of a usual day. People dying from sudden cardiac arrest has become a rather common event. We have amassed a total of nearly 30,000 deaths due to sudden cardiac arrest. Certain medical procedures require the intervention of a medical surgeon, so it is of utmost importance to consult with your doctors when you are experiencing any unusual heart aches.

But at the unprecedented moment of a sudden cardiac arrest or heart attack, a common man can treat it with CPR and an AED.

How to Treat a Sudden Cardiac Arrest?

When a person suddenly collapses due to a sudden heart attack and feels excruciating chest pain, it is possible to treat it with your bare hands and an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) machine. The first step towards curing it is by thrusting your palm in a certain grip against the person’s chest to keep the blood pumping by performing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). The second and final step is to use an AED to restore the lost heartbeat. Let’s break down the steps:





Here are the steps that one must follow to resurrect the pattern.


How to perform CPR?

Some of the important aspects are the grip, placement of the hand, and the surface on which the person is lying. It is essential to ensure that the person who has been hit with a cardiac arrest should be placed on a rough surface. Before delving into the steps the person who’s treating the affected must alert the medical emergency services before getting into and must kneel down beside the person who has been laid on a rough surface, i.e.) land.

Step 1: Hand Placement: After kneeling down, place the heel of one hand on the centre of the chest, just below the nipple.

Step 2: Hand Grip: One hand must be placed behind the back of the other hand and the fingers must be interlocked, ie) the one that's behind must be cramped in between the spaces of the other fingers.

Step 3: Chest Compressions: Compress the chest at least 2 inches deep with your upper body weight. Allow the chest to fully recoil between compressions.

 Step 4: Compression Rates: Compress the chest at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute. This equates to around two compressions every second.

Do not try rescue breathing if you are not trained to, after completing these steps of performing CPR, let's move to restoring the heartbeat pattern.

 How to Use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)?

 The automated external defibrillator (AED) is an equipment that is used to restore the heartbeat of the one who has experienced a sudden cardiac arrest. Following the treatment of CPR on the patient, after re-aligning his pattern this machine would help them regain the heartbeat. This sophisticated medical equipment analyzes the heart’s rhythm, and delivers an electric shock when necessary or defibrillation to re-establish the usual rhythm. It is a portable device that can be found in malls, airports, and in numerous public places.

 How to use an AED Work?

 Step 1: Turn on the Machine: Press the power button to turn on the AED. The majority of AEDs offer simple instructions and voice prompts to guide you through the procedure.

Step 2: Remove the shirt and connect the electrodes: Remove the person's shirt to reveal the chest. Attach the adhesive pads (electrodes) as directed on the pads to the naked chest. One AED pad is normally placed on the upper right chest, while the other is placed on the lower left side.

Step 3: Analyze the Heart Rhythm: Make sure no one is touching the individual and hit the AED's "Analyze" button. The AED will examine the person's heart rhythm and recommend a shock if necessary.

Step 4: If Shock Is Recommended: If the AED recommends a shock, ensure that everyone is clear before pressing the "Shock" button. Following the AED's prompts, resume CPR immediately after the shock is delivered.

 Step 5: If No Shock Is Recommended: If the AED indicates that no shock is required, keep performing CPR until emergency medical assistance arrives. Follow the AED's instructions for when to resume and when to stop CPR, and allow the AED to reanalyze the heart rhythm.

 Step 6: Keep going until help arrives: Follow the AED's directions and continue CPR until emergency medical personnel arrive or until the person exhibits signs of life and begins breathing normally.

Swiftness and decisiveness can turn a dismal state of affairs into a contented one. Having some knowledge is better than having none, especially when it comes to CPR and using an AED. This knowledge can save lives. By learning CPR and using an AED, people can save lives as important links in the chain of survival. In a field of success stories, we stand out for our proactive approach and dedication to preparedness. Our efforts have resulted in saving over a thousand lives using AEDs.

As we celebrate saving lives by being AED suppliers, it reminds us of the impact of protection measures on communities. The one thousand lives stored are not just numbers. They are people with families, friends, and dreams. Each rescue shows how training, being prepared, and our determination make the world safer.

We show our commitment to protecting people through education and resources by saving a thousand lives using AEDs. It asks us to think about our workplaces, communities, and public spaces. It makes us wonder if we are prepared for sudden medical emergencies. We celebrate our great achievement. Let it inspire you to focus on protection and embrace education. Let's work towards a world where more success stories come from responding to sudden cardiac arrest. After all, understanding is energy in matters of existence and protection.

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